
at the home page of project Swift – Relational Data Converter.

Swift is an open source, cross platform project written in Python, that converts between file formats used in frequent itemset/association rules mining (FIMI/DAT), Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) (CXT, FIMI/DAT, DTL), machine learning and data mining public repositories such as UCI Machine Learning Repository (ARFF, C4.5) or Frequent Itemset Mining Dataset Repository (FIMI/DAT), and common tabular data (CSV).

This project is part of the bachelor thesis created by Jan Novacek (Supervisor: Mgr. Jan Outrata, Ph.D.) at Palacky University (Department of Computer Science). The text of the thesis which covers theoretical description of scaling, data formats and program (e.g its structure or time complexity of main algorithm) is available here (in Czech).




Main manual

GUI manual


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